Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Resistance bands are a great alternative to weights. They can also be a great addition to a strength training program, even when weights are used.

Not only do they fully engage your muscles, but they’re also beneficial as they put less pressure on the joints.

For instance, when replacing dumbbells with bands for a classic bicep curl, your muscles will be working both while you lift and while you lower your arms.

Want to maximize your resistance bands? This article will show you the 5 best exercises you can do anywhere, along with the benefits these exercises have for your health.

5 Resistance Bands Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

For The Arms: Tricep Extension

Overhead tricep extensions with resistance bands is a great exercise if you want to isolate the tricep and avoid cheating.

How To Do The Exercise:

  • Begin by standing with one foot in front of the other. Step in the middle of the band with the back foot.
  • Bring your arms over your head, holding one end of the band in each hand. Your elbows should be straight, close to the ears. Engage your core and keep your spine straight.
  • Begin to lower the arms until you have a 90-degree angle at your elbows.
  • Make sure your elbows don't move to the sides, they should stay close to your head.
  • Bring the arms back and repeat for a total of 10-12 repetitions.

Between sets, if you'd like, you can alternate which leg goes in front.

For The Shoulders and Back: Shoulder External Rotation


Resistance band exercises are amazing for your shoulders and your back.

Some resistance band exercises can also help relieve back pain, neck tension and help with overall posture.

Not only that, but these bands can be used for measuring shoulder muscle strength. (1)

A great exercise for your shoulders that can be performed with resistance bands is the shoulder external rotation.

How To Do The Exercise:

  • You should start by attaching one end of the band to a sturdy object on the floor. Grad the other end with your right hand. You should use an overhand grip.
  • Stand tall and bring your arm up to have a 90-degrees angle at the elbow. Your forearm will be parallel to the floor.
  • Now rotate your forearm back so that the arm is perpendicular to the ceiling. If you feel the stretch in the shoulder becomes uncomfortable, stop sooner.
  • Reverse the movement until your back in the starting position. Repeat about 10-12 times, then switch arms.

For The Glutes: Donkey Kick

Now let's move on to the lower body with an exercise for the glutes.

How To Do The Exercise:

  • For donkey kicks, you'll begin by kneeling on the floor and placing the middle of the band around the bottom of your right foot.
  • Standing on hands and knees, grab an end of the band with each hand. Push your right leg back until it is straight and parallel to the floor.
  • You can lift it slightly higher than parallel to the floor, but be mindful not to arch your back. You want to work your glutes, not your low back.

Repeat at the starting position. Do 10-12 reps on the right leg, then switch to the left leg.

For The Legs: Banded Squats


No full-body workout would be complete without squats and resistance bands allow you to take this exercise to the next level.

For this type of banded squats, you will need a different band than for previous exercises. They are called flat bands - you'll also hear them called loop resistance bands due to their shape.

The great thing about squatting with them is that they help you stay mindful of your knees and they prevent them from caving inwards.


How To Do The Exercise:

  • To begin, you will put your feet through the loop band, bringing it over your thighs, just above the knees.
  • Stand with your feet about hip-width distance apart. You should feel a slight resistance at this point - it shouldn't be uncomfortable, just enough so that the band doesn't fall off.
  • Start lowering yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or a bit lower.
  • Make sure your knees don't go over the toes when you lower and maintain the tension in the band. Return to the starting position and repeat 10-12 times per set.

For The Core: Side Plank with Kick


For this exercise, you will need a loop band, like the one used for the banded squats. Place it around your ankles, then get into a high plank position.

If you feel pain in the wrists you can do a forearm plank instead.

How To Do The Exercise:

  • Now go into a side plank, by shifting your weight to your right hand.
  • Bring your left hand to your waist. Lift the left leg parallel to the right one until your feet are about hip-width apart.
  • Hold for at least 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

In Conclusion…


Resistance bands can help you get a great strength training workout.

They take almost no space in your house and most sets come with bands with various resistance levels, so you can easily advance your workout as you get stronger.

For a full-body workout, start with a short warm-up. It doesn't have to include bands, it can be some light cardio, followed by a few quick dynamic stretches.

Then, get your bands and start your workout. The 5 exercises presented above will help you work all the muscles.

Do 3 sets of each and you're done! In the end, don't forget to cool down and stretch to help minimize soreness, and keep your muscles and joints flexible.

For more recommendations on the best equipment for the perfect home gym, tips for having a healthy lifestyle and exercise ideas, please visit our website.



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